What am i gonna do next????? tell me pls.........
Recently, I dint renew my blog and write my journal at all because i am so busy with my graduation design sketch. Oh dude, i have a ton of work to do but my lab always help a drinking party and i cant skip it out (?_?). Moreover, i am gonna have exam in the end of July. It gonna drive me crazy, dude. What should i do now??? i think i hasten to finish my design sketch and improve my 3D design graphic. You know, last night i just had party with my friends in lab and i t was my teacher birth day. Well, we didnt drink that much but after drinking i cant do nothing beside going to bed and wait for dawn to start working again. Does any body can work after drinking? i dont think so.
Oh dude, i forgot to discuss with my teacher about my research and my exams. I gotta go now.
Wednesday, 30 May 2007
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Thursday, 10 May 2007
Thousands of Mexicans Strip for Tunick Photo Shoot
MEXICO CITY, May 6 (Reuters) - A record 18,000 people took off their clothes to pose for U.S. photographic artist Spencer Tunick on Sunday in Mexico City's Zocalo square, the heart of the ancient Aztec empire.
Tunick, who has raised eyebrows by staging mass nude photo shoots in cities from Dusseldorf, Germany, to Caracas, smashed his previous record of 7,000 volunteers set in 2003 in Barcelona, Spain.
Directing with a megaphone, Tunick shot a series of pictures with his Mexican models simultaneously raising their arms, then lying on their backs in the square as well as another scene on a side street with volunteers arranged in the shape of an arrow.
Hundreds of police kept nosy onlookers away during the nippy early-morning shoot, and a no-fly zone was declared above the plaza.
One of the world's biggest and most imposing squares, the Zocalo is framed by a cathedral, city hall and the National Palace official seat of government, which is adorned with murals by Diego Rivera.
A ruined temple next to it was once the center of the Aztec civilization and was used for worship and human sacrifice. Spanish conquistadors used bricks from the temple to help build their own capital.
Some participants said the massive turnout showed that Mexicans, at least in the capital, were becoming less prudish. Mexicans are not used to showing skin. Most men wear shorts only while on vacation, and women tend not to put on miniskirts because of unwanted whistles and stares.
"This event proves that really we're not such a conservative society anymore. We're freeing ourselves of taboos," said Fabiola Herrera, a 30-year-old university professor who volunteered to strip, along with her boyfriend.
The capital of the world's second-biggest Catholic nation, where tough-guy masculinity and family loyalty are held dear, has recently challenged some important traditions.
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Hollywood Gadgets
The cult of Apple can barely wait until June, when the company releases its new iPhone. Apple calls the device "a revolutionary mobile phone, a widescreen iPod with touch controls, and a breakthrough Internet communications device with desktop-class e - mail, Web browsing, maps and searching -- into one small and lightweight handheld device."
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