Friday, 14 September 2007

Exam result......

Today after i had lunch, I was bounding like Shinkansen to school to check my result......I cant believe that my exam number(1449) was written in the announcement sheet. Now i passed Utsunomiya University and Tokyo institute of Technology. I am being on the cloud nine now. I want to thank all people who support me for my exam esp. Gnagn who let me stay for few days and cooked Cambodian food for me during my exam so that i had stamina to fight against exam. Everyone Yorosikune!


Vibolka said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulation, Daravuth!

Well done!

Bon courage pour la suite :)

Anonymous said...

that cute

Ahsrors said...


Anonymous said...

Omedeto defu! :)

Anonymous said...
